patient portals

By  Jonah Comstock 04:07 pm May 5, 2017
What will it take to move from many promising but disconnected pilots in digital health to a world where technology holistically advances patient engagement? That’s the question that Brian Eastwood, an analyst at Chilmark Research, was grappling with as he took the stage at the inaugural Patient Experience Symposium in Boston this week. “A chronic patient who sees a number of different...
By  Brian Dolan 10:11 am February 23, 2016
  As part of our coverage of the big HIMSS16 event in Las Vegas later this month, MobiHealthNews caught up with half a dozen Boston-area digital health types to discuss a handful of topics we thought might bubble up at the big show -- or at least topics we think should. In the video above MobiHealthNews discusses patient access to their own health records with BIDMC's Brad Crotty MD, Twine...
By  Jonah Comstock 11:35 am January 26, 2016
A number of public and private initiatives have been launched over the years in the name of a personal health record for patients. But one way or another, they've all failed to gain traction, according to Drs. Isaac Kohane and Kenneth Mandl of the Harvard-affiliated Boston Children's Hospital, who published an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine last week. The authors believe now...
By  Jonah Comstock 11:13 am November 4, 2015
A new survey of 5,000 patients and 626 physicians conducted by Nielsen Strategic Health Perspectives found that consumer access to digital health technology is still quite low, especially compared to consumers' wants. For instance, the survey found that 36 percent of adults were interested in a 24-7 telephone line for medical advice, but only 14 percent had access to one. Similarly, 28 percent...
By  Jonah Comstock 08:13 am October 1, 2015
WebMD's Medscape team is working on a new clinical reference app called Medscape Consult that will include an option for doctors to "crowdsource" clinical advice from their colleagues. WebMD CEO David Schlanger announced the app at the company's annual stockholder meeting, where he also spoke about plans for international expansion and a renewed focus on the company's private portal division,...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:39 am February 10, 2015
A new report from Chilmark Research shows that the state of affairs in patient engagement is best summed up by the overused paraphrase of the William Gibson quote: The future is here, it's just not very widely distributed. After speaking to about a dozen healthcare vendors and their customers, report author Naveen Rao found that for any given patient engagement technology, outside of the most...
By  Aditi Pai 08:37 am January 22, 2015
Nineteen states intend to invest more in telehealth this year as they roll out innovative health care delivery services for their Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP populations. Twenty-five states have created "innovation plans" backed by grants from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CCMI). This week Accenture published a report that analyzes the investment priorities of these 25 State...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:45 am May 29, 2014
More than a third of US physicians recommended that a patient use a health app, according to the newest addition of Manhattan Research's Taking the Pulse survey, which details physician mobile and digital health adoption each year. The online survey included 3,066 practicing physicians across a variety of practices. The research group released a smattering of data that suggested physicians'...
By  Neil Versel 12:50 pm June 3, 2013
When MobiHealthNews first reported on personal health records (PHR) startup Cognovant in May 2012, the story warned about a "graveyard" of PHR failure. Cognovant, like many others before it, saw PHRs as the potential hub of interoperability for healthcare consumers that so far has eluded many provider-centric electronic health records (EHRs). Cognovant, of Kansas City, Mo., recently joined that...