AI cancer treatment

Person being rolled into an imaging machine with red lasers scanning their head
By  Jessica Hagen 01:08 pm September 15, 2023
GE HealthCare announced a strategic partnership with Mayo Clinic dubbed the Strategic Collaboration for Innovation in Medical Imaging and Theranostics, through which the pair will collaborate on research and product development focusing on precision care, AI and theranostics. Technology developers, clinicians, scientists and other providers from both companies will work together to advance...
By  Adam Ang 10:36 pm January 5, 2023
LifeSemantics teases pulmonary rehabilitation DTx  South Korean digital health company LifeSemantics is launching its digital therapeutics product that helps with the pulmonary rehabilitation of people with COPD. The Redpill Breath DTx helps users self-rehabilitate their respiratory functions at home. It monitors their oxygen saturation and walking performance in real time, sends text alerts in...