ANZ news

By  Dean Koh 03:22 am October 17, 2019
Australia-based PainChek, developer of the world’s first smart phone-based pain assessment and monitoring app, announced that it will be partnering with Ward Medication Management (Ward MM) to deliver the federally funded national roll-out of PainChek technology to the Australian Residential Aged Care market. Ward MM is an Australian provider of medication review and quality use of medicines...
By  Dean Koh 11:03 pm July 10, 2019
ANDHealth, an Australian organisation dedicated to supporting digital health companies in their commercialisation journey, has partnered with a consortium of leading medical research institutes and universities in Western Australia (WA), led by the Telethon Kids Institute, as part of the State’s first Digital Health Accelerator Program. Under the new partnership, ANDHealth will deliver its BRIGHT...
By  Dean Koh 05:31 am July 9, 2019
Digital health engagement platform dacadoo and Sydney-based digital health company Sleepfit have partnered to integrate sleep goals designed by Sleepfit on dacadoo. Sleepfit fuses technology with evidence based medical expertise to improve the health and well-being of its users. Sleepfit screens, educates and triages people with sleep issues and disorders into personalised pathways to improve...
By  Dean Koh 06:11 am May 9, 2019
Sydney, Australia-based tech accelerator BlueChilli and Enterprise Singapore, an economic agency under the Singapore Ministry and Trade and Industry, announced that they will partner to launch a Singapore-based health tech accelerator to spur innovation and build startups that address health challenges and opportunities in Southeast Asia. BlueChilli has also joined Enterprise Singapore’s Startup...
By  Dean Koh 01:55 am May 3, 2019
The federal government of Australia recently announced that it will invest A$5M to facilitate the implementation of PainChek’s pain recognition app in Australian residential aged care centres (RAC’s). The PainChek app was originally conceived at Western Australia’s Curtin University and further developed by listed Australian digital health company PainChek Ltd. It provides caregivers and health...